Tired, Aching Legs
Women and the elderly suffer most from tired, aching legs, but men who stand long hours, especially in one position, may be affected too. Symptoms A dull ache behind the knee or in the calf muscles A burning, pulling feeling in leg muscles Painful weariness or restlessness in legs at night Causes A common cause …
The Ideal Foot
There is no such thing as a perfect foot. But there is certainly an ideal foot – ideal in shape, alignment and functionality. All human bone structures are basically the same, but the form can become distorted when muscles and ligaments pull it out of shape. What does an ideal foot look like? This …
Posture Pumpers
” Ek het myne 2 jaar terug gekry nadat die soliede binnesole nie meer vir my gewerk het nie. Dit oefen die spiere, dat selfs as ek kaalvoet loop, is my postuur beter as voorheen ” LENIE What is Good Posture? Posture is not just the way you carry your body, but …