Why Soft Steps® Relieve Most Foot and Posture Problems
Anyone following our blogs may be wondering how come we can claim Soft Steps® to be the answer to so many varied problems! So today we are going to describe exactly how Soft Steps® work, and why they are so effective in treating just about any and every kind of foot ailment and also joint …
Why Soft Steps® Relieve Most Foot and Posture Problems Read More »
Posture Pumpers
” Ek het myne 2 jaar terug gekry nadat die soliede binnesole nie meer vir my gewerk het nie. Dit oefen die spiere, dat selfs as ek kaalvoet loop, is my postuur beter as voorheen ” LENIE What is Good Posture? Posture is not just the way you carry your body, but …
Bunions – Why and What to Do
Why do Bunions form? Bunions are often seen as the result of wearing improper foot wear – tight shoes, high heels, etc. – causing an uneven distribution of weight. This may indeed be a contributing factor. Structural malformation (hereditary or otherwise), arthritic conditions and other causes are also possible factors. But we generally underestimate the …