What your Footprint tells about your Health and Posture
In some ways a footprint tells a very clear story … everyone knows the difference between a flat foot and a high arch. But there are much more subtle messages too. Roughly the forefoot represents upper body, mid foot represents the knees and hips and the heel is related to lower back. A well balanced …
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Plantar Fasciitis – Cause and Cure
Plantar Fasciitis Cause A search on the web will turn up a host of information on plantar fasciitis, but there is a basic sameness throughout, because there are just two fundamental causes for the problem – Too much pressure on the heel bone, or calcaneus; and Tension, or tightness, in the plantar fascia, with a …
Foot Ailments and Problems
Foot ailments and problems Foot ailments and problems can be classified according to the part of the foot that is affected. Forefoot Problems Bunions, hammertoes, corns, calluses, neuromas and burning toes are all problems of the forefoot and are often seen as the result of tight or ill-fitting footwear. But, although shoes may be a …