The Ideal Foot
There is no such thing as a perfect foot. But there is certainly an ideal foot – ideal in shape, alignment and functionality. All human bone structures are basically the same, but the form can become distorted when muscles and ligaments pull it out of shape. What does an ideal foot look like? This …
Posture Pumpers
” Ek het myne 2 jaar terug gekry nadat die soliede binnesole nie meer vir my gewerk het nie. Dit oefen die spiere, dat selfs as ek kaalvoet loop, is my postuur beter as voorheen ” LENIE What is Good Posture? Posture is not just the way you carry your body, but …
Inner Soles / Sports Orthotics
The first thing to ask is – ‘What do I want Sport inner soles or Sports Orthotics to do for me?’ Probably the most important thing generally is shock absorption. Many sports shoes are designed specifically with this in mind and all kinds of gel, air and fancy technology are used to provide more and …
Feet and Posture
This diagram shows poor posture in relation to poorly aligned feet and good posture in relation to well-balanced feet. Flat feet are often the result of inherent low muscle tone or a weak muscle structure. The collapse of the arches may cause severe pronation (or inward roll) of the foot and this, in turn, leads …
Dropped Arches or Flat Feet
“I just wish to inform you that I am indeed happy with the step forward supports. My backache has ceased and my knees are less painful. I am so grateful to have these supports and grateful to my husband for having purchased them for me. Kind regards” Patricia. What Are Dropped Arches? …