Restore Wear and Tear Damage to your Body

Restore Wear and Tear Damage


 ” Things are a lot better. In the beginning it felt like hot spots under my feet but after 3 days a lot better. One thing I must say that the pains in my knees are virtually gone. I thought that I would never be able to run again without pain – since I am wearing the Soft-Step® I am able to run pain free. Thanks again. ” 




Kinds of Wear and Tear

  • Wind, sun and water can damage our skin, especially after prolonged exposure – dryness, wrinkles, cracking and peeling are signs of wear and tear of the skin.
  • Dryness, oiliness, dandruff and split ends may be the result of wear and tear in hair.
  • Musculoskeletal pain is often the sign of orthopedic wear and tear.

Posture Pain Wear and Tear


Massage and Exercise

The progression of inevitable wear and tear is often attributed to the aging process and seen as irreversible. But most of this wear and tear can be reduced, slowed and treated with appropriate products and care. Exercise is also useful in maintaining suppleness and strength throughout the body.

Perhaps the most significant changes can be achieved through increased movement and stimulation. This includes massage, exercise and attitude.

Where to Start

Everything starts in the mind. We have to want change before we can make it happen.

And then we need to get comfortable – no-one perseveres with something that is uncomfortable. This includes choosing the right therapist, mentor or trainer; the right environment, which includes clothing and equipment; and above all, the right foundation. Our feet are the foundation of pretty much all movement and exercise. So that’s where we need to start. Shoes and trainers often do not do it all. The cushioning built into shoes is all vertical (up and down) and cannot stimulate true stretch and rebound action.

Shoe limited cushioning

The usual kinds of arch supports are either too soft and floppy, or much too rigid for true foot comfort and stimulation.

Soft Step® Stimulation

Soft Steps® offer the perfect combination of support and dynamics! to stimulate and exercise your feet automatically and comfortably. This is the foundation you need to build your movement program, whatever it may be. A fit foot can do it all and take you places…. And this incredible little device does it painlessly and without any effort from you – except clicking the button to order.


See our website for full details of how they work and how to own a pair.



Runner exercising

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