Soft Step® Foot Correctors are not just for flat feet! They help for a multitude of different ailments and problems. Below we have categorized a few of the many success stories from happy wearers.
1 – Achilles
I suffered severely from foot, Achilles and lower back pains and on a whim sat down at the Step Forward stand at the Royal Show in Pietermaritzburg. Well, that was the best time and cash$$ spent. To this day my Soft Steps® have had me pain free and I am able to walk on the beach barefoot!!! …I would like to encourage everybody to give it a try – it WILL change your life!!!
2 – Activities
The best ever. Soft Steps® turned my life around from misery with painful feet to being able to work a full, pain free day on my feet every day, and complete the Comrades marathon. Another 100 km endurance race over 4 days in Orania and thanks to Soft Steps®, no foot pain… They also reduce and mostly eliminate heel blisters in long events.
Ek wil graag verslag doen oor my Soft Step® binnesole – dit werk 100% vir my. Na ‘n paar maande kan ek ook weer lekker vining stap. Sonder pyn…salig!
Mev Pretorius
I just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to Step Forward for helping me get back on my feet. Last year I was depressed because I was in extreme pain and couldn’t walk normally…I was using a crutch to help me move around. My son and daughter in law saw your stand at the House and Garden show… They took me next day to get fitted with a pair…It took me less than a week to get used to wearing the arches and it’s made such a positive change in my life….I did the 15 km East Coast Radio Big Walk. Thank you for helping me live a normal life again. Keep up the good work and keep more people walking.
…Did my first long hike today with my Soft Steps®. Cannot begin to thank you for a pain-free hike!…So happy! Hikes that I had given up on like those to the Wild Coast, become mine again. Thank you!
3 – Bunions
I have to let you know that the Soft Steps® have changed my life and I really do not have bunion pain any more. I am now delighted with them, so thank you for persevering with me…
4 – Compartment Syndrome
In 4 months Soft Steps® have helped for severe compartment syndrome.
5 – Foot pain
As I was on my feet all day as a Radiographer and did walking as a sport, surgery was not the option I wanted and I needed an alternative. After years of struggling with prescription insoles that lasted about a month before they collapsed and needed replacement or alteration, Soft Steps® saved my feet and my mood. Sore feet make you feel like an injured tiger, ready to attack from all the constant pain…Soft Steps® are worth trying, for everyone with foot pain – you will never look back.
6 – Increased Energy
Net 2 weke op Soft Step® sole en die opvallendste kenmerk is verhoogte energievlak!
7 – Knees
Things are a lot better. In the beginning it felt like hot spots under my feet, but after 3 days a lot better. One thing I must say that the pains in my knees are virtually gone. I thought that I would never be able to run again without pain – since I am wearing the Soft Steps® I am able to run pain free. Thanks again.
8 – Plantar Fasciitis
…The Soft Steps® I bought from you at the Getaway show in CT have really worked. I struggled for the first two weeks and felt like I was walking on potatoes and even had severe headaches…but I had to make them work and with your encouragement, took it more slowly. We did go to Italy and France after 2 weeks and I walked every day all day for 16 days, up and down 88 steps to our bedroom, and all was well, which is saying something as I had had such bad Plantar Fasciitis that I could hardly stand when I got out of bed in the morning.
I am using the Soft Steps® full day now and what a difference!!! I haven’t been able to walk barefoot on a hard floor for many years. And now, in the evenings I can walk without pain. Also I am finding it so easy to get through the day pain free…what a pleasure. Thanks. (Plantar Fasciitis for 8 years)
9 – Posture Pain
I have been suffering from heel pain, neck, shoulder and lower back pain when I get up in the morning. I tried numerous pillows…changed my mattress… Then I saw your stand at the exhibition center in Durban…the price seemed high…I was a bit skeptical…but my wife insisted I get the Soft Steps®…and paid for them. I used them for 2 hours. The next morning I was a different person. I slept well that night and to my surprise I had no neck, shoulder and back pain. My heel pain had 90% relief… This has made a big change to my wellness…I would recommend this product to people suffering from similar problems. Thanks you.
10 – Spondylitis
Ek het redelik baie voet probleme nadat ek jare gelede met ankoliserende spondylitis gediagnoseer is. Dit het gelei tot ‘n onnodige voetoperasie, hammertoes, ens. Ortopediese sole het ‘n bietjie verligting gebring… Ek het die Soft Steps® in George gesien, maar geskrik vir die prys en maar pyn verduur. Die volgende jaar…op die Bloemfontein Skou, het ek ‘n paar aangeskaf. Ek dra dit nou 5 weke en weet dit is die beste paar rand wat ek nog spandeer het – ongelooflik!
11 – Swelling
…I haven’t walked this well and without pain in a couple of years. It was the best day ever that I walked past your stand in Tyger Valley. I broke my right foot 30 odd years ago and for the first time in many years the excessive swelling that occurred during walking and standing has reduced tremendously. It’s great to be able to walk without pain…I have used other supports and Soft Steps® are by far superior. It’s a great product and IT WORKS!!
12 – Toes
I started to develop slight bunions as I was walking incorrectly to try to relieve the pain of dropped metatarsal arches. After a year of wearing Soft Steps®, not only has my foot pain vanished, but the big toes returned to their correct position.
I am loving my Soft Steps® and amazed at how they are working. On reading your brochure I saw my ‘misalignment’ – one shoulder and hip lower than the other…not surprised when I felt pulling, especially in my neck/shoulder area, after starting to wear the Soft Steps®…My ‘locked toes’ on the left foot are starting to relax and I am quite amazed at the progress already…my new best friends. Thank you for your help and good advice.
13 – Value for Money
Thanks for a wonderful product. I almost immediately started wearing the Soft Steps® constantly…I cannot go without them anymore. All my friends comment on how much my life has improved. This was my best buy ever. (Fasciitis)
I cannot go without my Soft Steps®. Thanks for a brilliant product. Worth every cent! They are unbelievable. I am so happy.
If you have a happy story, please share it with us!