
Your Future in Your Footprint

Some people have a special sense which enables them to predict the future, or ‘feel’ impending disaster. The lines in your palm are supposed to mean various things. Your nails tell a story. Iridology is an acknowledged and factual diagnostic tool. Reflexology is a fairly controversial reflection of health and an effective therapy for many …

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Stability for the Elderly

Stability and balance usually decline at least a little, as we grow older. Why? Muscle Deterioration Some of it may have to do with brain function deteriorating, but a lot of it is purely physical. The renewal rate of cells slows – this is the whole meaning of ‘ageing’. Muscles, ligaments and tendons lose both …

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Spring Has Sprung!

Or it is meant to have arrived…it depends where you look for it! Drought and cold and heat may have quite devastating effects on nature, but it always bounces back again and Spring greets us with a brave show in whatever conditions prevail. Are you dragging your weary feet? Are you perhaps feeling a bit …

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